In the age of screens, choosing printed publications may seem somewhat “out of touch.” When brand publications are mentioned as a topic, they often come with certain controversies, especially for commercial brands. Whether considering communication efficiency, production costs, or business returns, brand publications may not provide immediate effects in the pursuit of speed and brand competition. Instead, they are seen as a “slow” option. However, blindly pursuing speed can blur one’s vision. Some brands choose the “slow” medium to help themselves see more clearly and think more clearly.
In this issue of Design360°, we approach the theme of “brand publication” from three perspectives. In an era where the dividend of traffic is fading and content is returning, brands need to be remembered more than ever before. By continuously creating content, brands can communicate and make their voices heard externally, while internally refining and enriching themselves. We have seen the potential and unique value of brand publications in the new era. We also hope that more brands can generate a positive impact on society by focusing on a wide range of issues through their practices and content.