
Design 360°_103 2023/06

  • 書籍編號M-159222_103
  • ISBN977181592200906
  • 出 版 社Sandu Publishing (M)
  • 商品語言中/英
  • 裝 訂28.5x21/200p +/ 平裝
  • 定價NT$650
  • 折扣價NT$585
  • 點閱數1086

No.103 Do you understand Chinese? | 你懂中文吗? 東亞之外的漢字平面設計 在全球化的今天,世界各地的設計師都有機會接觸基於漢字的平面設計項目。對設計師來說,當中文作為一種陌生的語言時,像漢字這樣的象形文字和方形結構則是一種全然不同的文字系統。此時,他們會脫離漢字固有的視覺習慣,用新的視角去解讀和詮釋,碰撞出多元、有趣的漢字排版表達。 本期,Design360°以非中文母語者的設計師的漢字平面設計作品為主旋律,從五個不同的視角討論基於漢字的視覺表達。編者首先邀請了26組設計師,展示了43個他們初探漢字視覺的作品,呈現豐富和多元的表達。其中, 7位設計師講述了他們面對不同語系時的設計思考。當目光回到中國,一些西方設計師選擇常駐或留在中國發展。 他們向我們展現了在跨文化的視角下,各自對基於漢字的平面設計的解讀。反觀國內的設計排版,編者與5組設計 師一同討論了中國設計師在設計中喜歡使用英文的現象。 編者並非意在向讀者講述漢字平面設計的固有方法論。相反,正是這種語系與文化的差異所造成的視覺差異, 讓我們看到了漢字平面設計突破視覺和設計習慣的可能性,也讓我們追溯並反思其發展歷程。現代的漢字平面設計深受西方設計體系影響。然而,作為能夠讀懂中文的設計師,或許能從這些作品和討論中,重新關注漢字視覺中的「理所當然」或「非常規表達」,想象基於漢字的平面設計的未來發展路徑。 Graphic Design with Chinese Characters outside East Asia In the age of globalization, designers from around the world have the opportunity to engage in graphic design projects based on Chinese characters. For designers, when Chinese is an unfamiliar language, they break away from their inherent visual habits and interpret it from a new perspective, resulting in diverse and interesting expressions. In this issue, Design360° focuses on the graphic design works with Chinese characters of designers whose native language is not Chinese, discussing the visual representation with Chinese characters from five different perspectives. Firstly, 26 groups of designer showcase 43 works that represent their initial exploration of the visual representation with Chinese characters. Among them, 7 designers share their thoughts on design when facing different language systems. Some Western designers who reside or work in China, showing us their interpretations of graphic design with Chinese character from a cross-cultural perspective. Regarding domestic graphic design, the editor and 5 groups of designers discuss the phenomenon that Chinese designers prefer to use English in their works. The editor does not aim to tell readers about the inherent methodology of graphic design with Chinese characters. On the contrary, it is the visual and cultural differences caused by language that allow us to see the possibilities of breaking through visual and design habits in graphic design with Chinese characters, which is heavily influenced by Western design systems in the modern era. However, as designers who are familiar with Chinese, perhaps we can refocus on the visual representation with Chinese characters through these works and discussions, and imagine future paths for its development.

