
Working 2020/2021

  • 書籍編號3899392256
  • ISBN9783899392258
  • 作 者Peter Zec
  • 出 版 社Red Dot Gmbh
  • 出版日期2020-07-20
  • 商品語言英文
  • 裝 訂30x30/精裝
  • 定價NT$1,500
  • 折扣價NT$1,185
  • 點閱數2030


Professor Dr. Peter Zec, born 1956, is an international well-known design expert. He is the founder and CEO of Red Dot. He has been active for over 20 years as a communications and design consultant for numerous companies and lectures throughout the world on design-related topics. As an expert on the international design scene, he is the publisher of the Red Dot Design Yearbook and the International Yearbook Communication Design. He has published the following books among others: Informationsdesign (1988), Design goes virtual! (1996), German Design Standards (1997; 2005), Designing Success (1999), Good Design (2000), Orientierung im Raum (2002), Hall of Fame. Companies Searching for Excellence in Design (2003; 2007), Return on Ideas - Better by Design (2006), Who's Who in Design (2003; 2007), The Design Value - a Strategy for Business Success (2010), Homo Ex Data - The Natural of the Artificial (2018), The Form of Simplicity - Good Design for a Better Quality of Life (2018), as well as The Form of Success (2018).