
U.K 野花圖鑑

  • 書籍編號4756250605
  • ISBN9784756250605
  • 作 者海野弘
  • 出 版 社Pie Int`l Books
  • 出版日期2018-03-10
  • 商品語言日/英
  • 裝 訂18.3x22.6/113p/平裝
  • 定價NT$840
  • 折扣價NT$664
  • 點閱數3099

A collection of charming hand-drawn wild flowers from the Victorian Era In the Victorian Era, one father sketched wild flowers in the hills of Oxfordshire, making notes and observations for each flower for his daughters. This title is a compilation of those charming sketches. You will find heartwarming hand-drawn flowers that still grow wild in many places today, along with a detailed glossary including each flower's botanical name. This book can be used as a fine floral encyclopedia and is also a good reference book for designers and illustrators. Commentary by Hiroshi Unno (author/contributor for most of our Western art collection series) is an additional feature in this edition.

